Last week I received an email from one of the blog readers query whether it might be desirable to insert Google Adsense and other ads on your blog. The question came derived from the fact that the blog is still relatively young and has been the perfect excuse to launch a post trying to address this issue at par to do some more tips for Google advertising program.

OK lets start.
Google Adsense

First we go to the issue of whether to insert advertising Adsense from the start or not. At this point there are views of all types. The most radical one hand advise using Adsense from the first day on the blog, and the most radical on the other side say it is better to wait to have large amounts of traffic to do so. In my opinion the average is the best option.
Therefore we will discard insert Adsense from the first day since for ads are set well need content inside and it is not convenient to tell Google that we want to take money from 0 minutes.
Nor it waits too long to use it, since it is necessary to begin early to accustom as soon as possible advertising program Google, so Come  work trial and error with different types of banners that we have available.
From my point of view 150 visits a day is a figure more than enough to introduce this type of advertising and start earning some money, but we must bear in mind that this number of visits even report a number of fairly low income, not But I do not think that's a reason in itself to reject such entries.

How much can you earn from a small blog with Adsense?

Obviously the numbers fluctuate greatly depending on:
  • The theme of the blog
  • Placing ads
But to give you an idea on my tech blog (a theme that pays quite low) with an average of about 400 hits a day gain around 25 to 30 dollars per month .
In this blog banners are fairly well optimized towards their placement and every day there are an average of between 5 to 10 clicks, but each of these clicks has a little pay, usually around an average of 5 to 15 cents.
Case Study: Can we chat together
Let us begin to analyze Mide's blog and see how it could be optimized to obtain good results with Google Adsense.

a / Theme and cost per click

The theme of this blog is somewhat varied. On the one hand issues they are addressed beauty and health literature. Keep in mind that there is a commercial blog focused on a micro niche, but a personal and within this type of blogs touching more than one subject can have its advantages from the point of view of advertising blog:
  • Mide's blog will have a wider range of advertisers and therefore more likely to be any of those advertisers who pay well inserted the click. (Remember to never click on the ads yourself) .
  • Greater possibility of offering segmented to different profiles of readers of your blog advertising. Those interested in beauty ads will be shown cosmetics, to health announcements about fitness etc.
But let's see what matters. How does it pay Google Adsense (or rather advertisers) the click of these issues? Two examples:
Beauty Content:
Of all the blog content we can chat Juntas content related to beauty issues that probably the greatest economic benefits report. In general the themes of this blog does not get a CPC or cost per click too high, but in the case of cosmetics that fluctuates.
An optimal way to meet the CPC of each of the topics that interest us (definitely know how we will pay for writing about these topics) is to use the new scheduler keyword Google (and there is no Keyword Tool or tool Adwords keyword), which soon I will draw an extensive tutorial because now the tool has become slightly more complex to use.
CPC for beauty blog
CPC for beauty blog 

Content of literature:
The CPC that this subject brings from Google Adsense is quite low. Why not advise against using Adsense but it is a fact that could take into account when guiding the contents if you are thinking of getting higher returns. Show another snapshot scheduler keywords:
CPC for Literature blog

CPC for content of literature.

b / Ad Placement

I do not have much experience playing Blogger templates, but so far as I know think it is easier to insert advertising in WordPress as the same templates Blogger usually optimized and simply enter a text widget Html and place it where you want that our ad to displayed.
This is great because it does not have to resort to programming for placing banners in the most optimal locations within our blog.
Here are some tips on placing ads to meet our desire:
  • The first banner that I recommend is inserted which is once you enter a post just below the title . In my case this type of ad I usually configured to display text only because so often get more clicka, but in these cases it is best to keep trying.(The square rectangles 300 × 250 usually work quite well in this position).
  • Immediately after placement would opt for a second rectangle 300 × 250 (this time text and image) and place them at the end of each post. Although it may seem this kind of banner are also those who best work (sometimes even more than the Skycrapers the Header or header).
  • In the blog Mide at first try to avoid banners inside header and sidebar to not affect the image of personal blog that got the benefit of the ads, but this is just a personal opinion ?
place banners on Google Adsense

c / Other possible ways of monetizing this blog

In the particular case of this blog Google Adsense is probably not the most powerful possible monetization platform. However I always recommend using Adsense since I am in love with this advertising platform and any blog traffic is likely to generate good amounts of passive income through Adsense.
However in the log of which today we talked see other potential opportunities for long-term monetization could be even more profitable:
I think it's a blog with great possibilities of making infomercials to display products of some companies. For example on cosmetics. I do not know how it works exactly the hiring process in that niche but the first step here would be to have a good level of traffic and a strong presence in social networks.
In addition to being a personal and non-commercial blog can be a good candidate for companies increasingly invest in this type of advertising. (A good idea may be to contact them by social networks to ask directly).
Tradedoubler affiliate
Again another good option monetization could be selling affiliate products that the author knows and can recommend to your audience. Entering some pages Tradedoubler you can find advertisers almost any subject, so I guess about cosmetic products also have companies interested in this type of advertising.
Amazon Affiliates
The model of selling affiliate products on Amazon works quite well in those blogs that open and recommend certain books. An interesting option ete case could be made Amazon affiliate and recommend buying books from Amazon facilitate the links you.
I think the commissions range around 7% per book sold, are not very high, but may be an option that will join the other former monetization.
These were some tips on Google Adsense and some possible ways of monetizing blog of Mide. If you enjoyed or been useful ... Share it! ?See you soon.
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Many times I have heard this question Can you live with Google Adsense? Does it really worth investing so much effort to win " a few  dollars" per month? I will try to respond by providing my experience and point of view. Let's talk about Adsense. Some time ago I knew of the existence of issues related to Adsense, Analytics, Blogging and even some Adwords through a professional blogger in my area. Unfortunately "the subject" was not part of the program of business but could access attend it as complementary subject. It was the best thing I did in the race.

What makes Google Adsense so powerful?

One point that makes this advertising model so attractive is that the program Adsense is totally focused user who visits our website. Google thus takes into account the specific tastes of this particular person and tries to show (through ads) content related to those tastes.

 Google is able to know this information because you left the trail on the Internet  when using your information. Thus if you are such a lover of animals and one day you walk into a blog about cooking (your second hobby), it is normal that Adsense show you both ads Restaurants and food, as pet shops and dog trainers to home.  Always tries to focus on a very specific Target.

 Another aspect to highlight this advertising program is that the cost of launching a campaign ad through Google Adsense is "0". Significantly cheaper than advertising in other media offline, such as radio or TV. Now some will be able to think "True, but do an advertising campaign for one of these traditional media can be much more advantageous." The answer is "it depends"... If the visibility of your blog is high (SEO) and you have a high level of visits with Adsense will generate more directly with any radio or print ad.

I love blogging

900 dollars / month with a business blog?

The first time I heard this figure am absolutely impressed. Can you get to live with  blog? The answer is " Of course", however you can not mean it is easy, in fact it is not. I wanted to show through my blog a real example of what a network of professional blogs invoice per month with only 1 of their blogs . Before we make some clarifications:
  • The data will show below belong to a blog of a professional network (I do not put my name at the request of the network itself). And show you this info.
  • Revenues belong only to 1 blog for 1 month. The network of blogs mentioned consists of more than 40 blogs.
  • Despite this I feel that this must be its most profitable blog (or one of the most profitable), but that is something that i was unable to confirmed.
  • The photo were part of the course content itself. It has been developed.

How Google Adsense work?

One of the first points to consider is that the advertising program Google is  quite restrictive . You never have to click on your own ads and much less recommend it to friends or relatives to do so for you to win an "extra pocket money ".

On the other hand you can never use it on sites containing adult content, online (style poker, casino ...) games etc. Encourage people to click is one of the most common practices among novice webmasters and also one of the biggest reasons that a huge amount of revenue forgone blogs every day. Really not worth it, because Google has power to  controlled such practices and has systems that invalidate fraudulent clicks. By the time you get caught or the Holy Spirit will readmit you (well, it is possible that if they do, but it is somewhat complicated).
 Will be entitled to receive payments that your ads have generated once reaches the amount of $ 100, or what is the same, setting about 70 euros.  The sooner you lleges this amount, before Google will extend the check and so again and again. Know that although the first time is difficult to reach $100 web pages that are generated in a few hours. (Yes, hours and only with Adsense).

google money

To end…

When we see this kind of examples we fall into the risk of deviously reality. Making money with Adsense is not easy , in fact, I would add that if you believe strongly about it and work much never see tangible results. The data shown above belong to a company working since 2006 in the blogging, so in any case are data that could be considered "normal" in a satin  blogger. 

On the other hand note that it is "easy" to reach these volumes billing through blogs commercial content (eye, shopping does not have to be bad) and generalist. This makes it easier to capture traffic in the medium / long term with a cooking blog, animals, cars or economy, for example with a blog of  "SEO positioning".

I hope that the post you may have assist or motivation! Finally if you liked subscribe to the blog!? You can read many more posts about Google Adsense high quality here:
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Today's entry has a different point. I want to expose and compare some points between the daily activity of a Blogger and a SEO from the point of view of " confrontation ", however the latter is purely for fun, my opinion about the two disciplines is a need the other to achieve their best.   We started.

Blogger vs SEO

#Round 1

SEO.- Blogger positioning're too slow, you want to climb in Google only through writing and that will not be enough, at least not to go fast. If this will be your only strategy starts thinking about recordable  hours of sleep you'll have to post 5 post per day to forcefully position (unless you write about the " Colorado lizard of Patagonia ").

Blogger.- SEO I'm very slow and you want to go too fast. You'll pretend to run  much later that soon you'll stumble upon tripping of Google, even though you know run a lot and move up Google runs more than you. I will position  slow but sure I position, sooner or later you shut your blog, everything sooner or later that afternoon the search engine catch you .


#Round 2

SEO.- Blogger I run and I run fast because I know, you go slowly because you do not master my techniques. You're not an expert in Link Building and you dedicate yourself to exchange links with your other friends bloggers from your blogroll, not knowing what you're doing to Google, which both mentions, now does not like, link exchange should be triangular and nonreciprocal as accustom to make Bloggers. Not master rapid and effective techniques of Black Hat, you do not even know what the Black Hat. Being Blogger is the most boring way to make your website visible and getting buyers or conversions of any kind.

Blogger.- Play to be be SEO is the fastest way to ruin your logbook. We make reciprocal link exchanges because we give more importance to the fellowship positioning. You talk about Link Building as a quick way to move up , you do not know it is that changes in the algorithm are faster than you, Vince, Mayday, Caffeine, Panda, Pinguin ... All are at repartee mission.It's a battle you've lost some time, stop touching me links and yourself a blog.


#Round 3

SEO.- Changes in the algorithm affect only the most obvious, if you know make a natural SEO you will never affect our profession today it is synonymous with success, but looks at Don Caprio and Business Online, do you think happens days publishing whole post one after another to position? He wins in one day with his blog what you win in a month with Adsense. If you are an online store not only will it be Blogger, hire a SEO right now and see how it gets better.

Blogger.- Hire a SEO and how is not updated today and apply techniques previous positioning Pinguin your online store will sink you and your SEO inside, hire a blogger to write in a blog within your page really as the months increases your position and your conversions. You speak of Don Caprio, except that meets the rule, we have to Leo Babauta , blogger world famous, with over 150,000 subscribers or Pete Cashmore , considered one of the best bloggers in the world, with more than 3 million followers Twitter and an average of more than 1,500 retweets by post. Does anyone give more? versus

And you who did you think won? #Blogger Or #SEO?

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The SEO universe is very large. About SEO you're going to hear a lot of advice, you will see countless post talking about it.  Some will tell you to do SEO is the best way to move up , other content and perseverance are your cards ascent to Olympus Top 10 of Google. I think there are no absolute truths  concerning this, but positive and negative experiences with a particular behavior in regard to SEO.  


SEO on Page

First pattern. Do not obsess with SEO , obsessing you will end up thinking more in the search box on the person when writing and eventually this behavior will be penalized by Google and what is worse, for your readers.
 Posts to know SEO in my opinion what we do should master and practice in the most natural way possible is the SEO On Page . And because? Because SEO On Page supposed to write a coherent, orderly and structured for both the user and the search engine. It is the technique through which will show the heart of tinplate Google (because Google is not a person!) To your post speaks with a particular relevance to a particular topic and therefore deserves weight positioning for people seeking information on the same subject.

The SEO is good

Seo On page incorporates your waynaturally to write:

- Use at least tags H1 and H2 . In H1 always the key word. -Density Of keywords in the text: Do not obsess either the density or look to add more times than normal text keyword for fear of " having not repeated enough times ." Put as many times as you naturally write it out, no more. -Use The bold appropriately: it no longer put the keyword in boldface repeated times, this is now Keyword Stuffing.

Stresses words andphrases that make sense since many people sometimes scan the text reading only the parts in bold. -Photographs Images with corresponding text Alt describing some context regarding the post you are writing. -Google Is increasingly semantic and better understood.

 Use synonyms instead of always the same keyword. - Place links to old post varying the anchor text. This further enhances the user experience. -Place The end of the article the typical section " You may also be interested..." with links to previous posts.

This possibly achieve your visit to stay longer on the page and now Google rewards sites with more time on page and a larger number of page views with better positioning. -Place Outbound links to authority sites , links to Wikipedia, a major blogs in your industry, so that the search engine know that your blog known reference sites in your niche.


Off Page SEO

Off page seo Of Page SEO or off-page is part of the positioning that deals with the most delicate part, the links . Pages receive a penalty of Google (which is quite serious) mostly are for having misused the techniques of SEO Off Page, either through misuse of directories disreputable or incorrect and / or abusive exchange links with other sites of poor quality...
 So this is the part that perhaps less interest you to know [at least in an initial phase]  (ami cost me a long time to understand this) and less need to worry, because the natural is that SEO Off Page occurs " single " and naturally people to link your content with anchor text distitos and to various parts of your blog and not only to the home.
Meet the SEO On Page and care with SEO Off Page.
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First of all I want to clarify my position on this, SEO can be a terrific complement to our blog but be very careful with it when practicing.

Why SEO can ruin your blog

Search engine optimization is one of the elements most valued by many people. Many times I see that some bloggers spend a lot of time and resources on what they think is a good positioning strategy through exchanges and buying links in forums and all kinds of practices to get up positions.
 And it is certainly possible to achieve up, but the downside of this is that probably will not be a steady rise over time. " Google hates SEOs " ( a phrase  of Professional in #curso for bloggers ;-)), well maybe this is something radical, but the fact is you do not like to do SEO as it understands that this is an artificial practice accelerate the natural positioning.

For the seeker, this position should be achieved exclusive meter  pages that give the highest possible quality and a very continuously over time, months, years well.

#Example Practical. "One of the bestways to do SEO is not doing "

We all know Ogbongeblog , (so far well). The issue is that there is one thing ogbongeblog  does that catches my attention, and is as follows. The blog Ogbongeblog  is currently a successful blog for several reasons, but I will summarize in two:
  • A very good position in a niche where competition is already very high.
  • A good quality content frequently , so that a large percentage of those people who find it to be well positioned are fidelize fast so attractive content.
In this case, the first point is that it seems more significant for what I tell you below.
 I assumed at first that this blog would have a very good job positioning behind him to back him in his climb to the crest of wave of Google.

My surprise sometimes was always great when I will later learned firsthand that such work positioning as I imagined it did not exist. I was unfortunate to speak with Ogbonge in person before I pull up this post.

 Have seen some professional blogger with which their blog is rank high without any support from any blog. This got me thinking a lot about the importance that sometimes attach to positioning techniques. If Ogbongeblog and some others has a spectacular positions only  on the basis of writing and writing always giving fresh content, SEO ends up coming alone,  people will connect you with time naturally, and these links are the ones you like best to Google (unordered Enlaces, with anchor texts of all kinds ...)

 So my little conclusion is that no need to obsess in a first stage too with SEO (which I used to spend) as long - term if we are very constant in writing will position strong safe and progressive manner (slowly but inevitably ).

 Finally I want to say once again that despite all this I am not against SEO nor much less is more, I think it is necessary and helps in the early months to a blog to gain strength, but should be done with extreme care and mimo.
The way that seems natural in the eyes of our friend Google, but it should not be a reason to lose sleep if anyone really're serious about your blog.

 In upcoming posts we will see that good SEO practices can be useful for our scrapbooks. And you What do you think about the haste with SEO?
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Today I want to talk about a phenomenon that often is relegated to the background by more than from Google we say it is " The King ". The content, or more specifically the importance of frequent publishing content. Let's talk about positioning (let's talk about content).

The long way and the short way

Being in the Top 10 of Google is vital, it is the only thing that will make visible and that will make your contents are read, well, an active community on Twitter can bring you some traffic but it is never comparable to organic traffic from search engines (my blog with just two weeks receives all his visits via Twitter).

The shortest path  (or the fastest way to burden your blog)

Seo is the use of techniques to scale positions in Google,  Is it not true? So why not use them?
 The Link Buiding is a wonderful universe to discover: Make all you can link exchanges with other bloggers, for something is the "section Blogroll " What else? therefore use your blogroll and fill it with link exchanges, as well as exchanges will be making reciprocal links, companionship above all.

 Give your blog high in the directories hottest, the end of the day say that these directories have operating many years and enjoy high prestige against Google. Use bolding , but use them forcefully, no mincing words , if your article speaks of "Social Media", as you underline the word 15 times coming out in the post, also do not forget to put it on the H1 (Title or URL ) and H2 (main subtitle) so that Google will make it clear what you mean.


Along the way  (Now what To write?)

A blog is slowly rising. Do not rush to climb positions, When you take a few months with your Google log does not know who you are and just know that you exist, gain their confidence day after day. How?

Publishing with the highest frequency possible, providing original content and writing always taking into account the Seo On page.  Writing is the best weapon positioning,  SEO is just a set of techniques to alter the credibility we have in the eyes of Google artificially.

I remember a phrase I read some time ago in a blog, which I do not remember the name, but he said something that made me laugh and I found interesting: "You can fool your wife, but you can not fool Google". This phrase actually has hues. A Google if you can fool, for that invented the Black Hat, Black or Black Hat SEO, but the question is not that, but How long I can keep this deception? the algorithm evolves at a voracious rate.
In conclusion, if you do not know enough positioning is not done in any form, in the title above "the short way" are described some of the most common practices in beginner bloggers and yet the most harmful to your blog.
The links should not be located in Blogroll , this is the most unnatural way place, must be in the post we wrote.

Link exchanges are not advisable and less now after "Pinguin", a reciprocal link has little force , is the best thing to do crosswise (in next post). Directories are not what they were , now Google to dilute its strength and no matter be in them or not (If you look me in the right sidebar of my blog have the logo of a directory, but the reason is not the position that can give me, but others will tell later) as visible as possible , do not miss them?
Move up
In following entries I want to do a series of post intended to discuss the algorithm and its recent changes to try to show a way to work optimally Seo and solvent form over time. I will try to make those entries
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