Do you take advantage the menu bar of your blog?

The structure of your blog by default has huge potential. The menu bar at the top is an element which would have to try to exploit 100%. Following the header is the first item you will see your visits , and if you already have a blog with some traffic you can get a great advantage of this if you decide to optimize their use.  

Menus bars optimized through examples

We will address this issue from a point of view practical through real blogs, perhaps yours appear somewhere ?we go.

#Example 1

Blogsdaddy menu bar

 Blog Blogsdaddy Blogsdaddy has a very strong structure. A highly optimized use of your menu bar does, in this case I think the main source of income on their website are affiliated products and the design of the said bar is pretty focused on this end. In the "section  tools " has all its tools to generate html and widgets in a static and always accessible page. This added visibility that already has this blogger makes many want to emulate their positioning techniques and online marketing and that's that fantastic tab.

#Example 2

Geekng menu bar
  Blog Geekng Geekng in my opinion squeezes 100% use your menu bar s and structure of your blog in general. In " resources " have once again products affiliate, and just as in Blogsdaddy once again the author of the blog always shows us the face, promotes its image and proximity to its reader.

 It gives us confidence to sell. At the top of the incorporation of the horizontal bar green it makes your video is highly visible and tab top post is also extremely useful, allows you to anchor static content with their best post, so there are many more possibilities than the user again reaching the blog and see is immediately fidelizado (as happened in my case ...).
Besides all this would say overall the arrangement of the elements blog Geeknh seems haughtiness, I want my blog most resembles yours?

#Example 3

Sabtrends menu bar
Blog Sabtrends This blog is a blogger colleague who I met recently and whose blog I quite liked it. A few months ago it has introduced a very powerful element in his blog that enchanted me: a section interviews . With this type of sections if you get out guest bloggers want visibility, is a great way to network and ultimately introduce a rare element that highlights  your blog. I think a good example of optimized menu bar.

#Example 4 menu bar

 Blog Naijsloaded This is a new info blog that  always give an enthralling content, however in the case of eye finder is an example of a bar of not exploited menus. Some will say that this time nothing happens, Contribute to the minimalist style and clean blog is true, but only in this case can be a good example.

The power of menus

The menus (especially the drop down) are the great unknowns of WordPress , I think we have enormous potential and that one endless uses to segment and isolate information , making drop - down lists with your products or services and ultimately enrich the structure blog. As you can see in my blog the menu bar is still empty, but is that the blog has just one week! What are your tips for optimizing a blog menus?

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